Winamp Backup Tool 3.3.6 Build 3102

pagal | 2017 02 10

„Winamp Backup Tool“ – programa skirta naudojantiems populiarųjį garso/vaizdo įrašų grotuvą „Winamp“. Jos pagalba sukursite atsarginę duomenų kopiją, kurios metu išsaugosite savo išvaizdos parametrus (skins), grojaraščius (playlist), įskiepius (plugins) ir kt. bei juos atkurti pasirinktame kompiuteryje.


Save all your Winamp skins, playlists, visualization tools, equalizer profiles, and plug-in settings, and perform selective restoration with this powerful tool

Depending on the category or domain of activity, various applications lived on, and managed to make a name for themselves throughout the years. Winamp is a fine example, with tons of supported plugins, and customization options for visuals and sound. In case it’s also the player you prefer, then you might want to use Winamp Backup Tool to have an extra copy of your custom settings at hand.

Automatic, or selective backup

Needless to say that Winamp needs to be installed on your PC in order for a backup procedure to work as intended. On the bright side of things, the application takes you through a wizard configuration process, which makes it easy to go through the options you want to save, regardless of your experience with using a PC.

When creating a backup, the first requirement is for the save path, which you can change in case you want to take settings on a thumb drive. A little time needs to be spent in the backup mode selection step, but only if you choose manual mode, because the automatic process makes sure everything is saved. Additionally, there’s a previous mode, which does the same as last time.

Stored into categories, backup targets let you save data from Winamp core settings, media library database, visualization presets, skins, color themes, and icon packs, as well as miscellaneous plug-in settings so you don’t have to install them again.

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