ProgDVB 6.48.1

pagal | 2010 10 05

Žiūrėkite SAT-televiziją ir klausykite radijo stočių iš satelitinės lėkštės naudojant DVB-PCI korteles.


Will watch SAT-Television and listen to Radio channels directly from satellite by using DVB-PCI cards

ProgDVB – software which allows you to watch SAT-Television and listen to Radio channels directly from satellite by using DVB-PCI cards with hardware decoders on the board, SAT-dish, and personal x86-compatible computers.

ProgDVB is a very useful application for those who want to watch television shows and programs on their computer.

ProgDVB has options for working with network broadcasting and Audio/Video recording of the stream to different digital-media formats. ProgDVBR is in development, so new versions will be available for download from time to time.

At the present moment work on the following cards is possible:
■ Aver DVB-S
■ BroadLogic 2030/1030
■ Compro VideoMate DVB-S
■ DVBWorld USB2.0 DVB-S/DVBWorldDTV(PCI-Sat), Acorp TV878DS/ DS110/ DS120, Nextorm NBS240/ NSC120
■ GeniaTech DigiStar DVB-S PCI
■ Kworld DVB-S 100 compatible (Vstream, Dynavision….. )
■ ADS Tech – Instant TV DVB-S (Part Number: PTV-341)
■ LifeView FlyDVB
■ Netcast DVB
■ NEWMI Advanced DVB
■ Pinnacle PCTV Sat (driver >=260)
■ Nexus,Premium (SkyStar1) (the driver 2.x from TechnoTrend)
■ TBS Q-Box
■ Technisat Sky Star 2 and Sky Star 3 USB or PCI
■ Telemann Skymedia 300 DVB (not official)
■ TwinHan compatible (VisionDTV, Power Color, Chaintech,…)
■ WinTV NOVA (Budget) USB or PCI
■ St@rKey usb box
■ Cards with BDA driver (With some cards problems are possible)
■ Besides work in absence of a card is possible, for example for viewing video of files or as the broadcast client.

Atsisiųsti iš ČIA (9.4 MB / Windows 2K / XP / Vista)

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1 komentaras

  1. Tomas Andersson

    Verstehe nicht so richtig was das alles soll

    VA:F [1.9.13_1145]
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