Pipette 22.03.2017

pagal | 2017 03 23

„Pipette“ – universalaus įrankio dėka galėsite gauti spalvos kodą (HEX, RGB, CMYK, CMY ir HSV) paspaudę ant bet kurios darbalaukio vietos.


Pipette_4Pick a color from any part of your screen and view its representations under various models with intuitive and portable application

Pipette is a feather-light, simple-to-use and practical application that enables you to select any color from the screen with an eye dropper and find out its values, such as HEX and RGB. Among others, it lets you populate a list with numerous picked colors.

No installation necessary

As there is no setup pack involved, you can save the executable file in any directory on the disk and just click it to run. Otherwise, you can save it to a removable storage device to directly launch it on any PC with minimum effort. It doesn’t add new entries to the Windows registry.

Intuitive interface and options

Its main application window contains a color list and several representations of the color models, such as HEX, RGB, CMYK, CMY and HSV. You can click and hold the Pipette button to drag the mouse cursor to any position on the screen and record the color while keeping an eye on the magnification box.

The color list gets populated with all colors picked up with the eye dropper, and all color models from the list can be saved to text documents as well as later imported into the software application. Alternatively, you can copy any model to the Clipboard with the click of a button.

Atsisiųsti ( 1.1 MB/ Windows OS )


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