MeshMixer 2.2

pagal | 2014 04 10

MeshMixer screenshot 1 - You can use the following of the application to edit and create various models.

„MeshMixer“- tai universali 3D modeliavimo programa, kuri padės sukurti pačius įvairiausius kūrinius. Programoje visi modeliavimo įrankiai pateikiami patogiai, tad kūrybinis procesas bus suprantamas net ir pradedantiesiems.


Accessible 3D modelling tool

MeshMixer was created as an accessible and user-friendly 3D modelling instrument that allows you to create 3D models with ease.

MeshMixer is very useful if you want to compose new 3D models from existing meshes. Now, you can create the 3D models you want in no time at all.

MeshMixer screenshot 2 - The View menu integrated into MeshMixer lets you recenter the view and toggle boundaries.

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