Lyric Library 2013.4

pagal | 2013 04 07

„Lyric Library“ programa skirta norintiems sužinoti, kokie žodžiai skamba Jūsų pamėgtose dainose. Joje rasite daugiau negu 1500 dainų žodžių kolekciją, o norimas dainas galėsite vieno mygtuko paspaudimu paklausyti „YouTube“ svetainėje, nukopijuoti arba išsaugoti tekstiniu .txt formatu.


Over one thousand lyrics at your disposal

Lyric Library is a handy application worth having when you’re listening to your favorite tracks and you want to sing along.

The app contains over 1500 song lyrics, alphabetically organized by artist. You can scroll through the list or search to find what you are looking for.

The application enables you to copy the lyrics to clipboard or to save them as a TXT file. Selecting a song from the list and clicking on Watch This Song On YouTube will open an Internet browser window.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.4 MB / Windows OS )
VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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