iFree Skype Recorder 4.0.9

pagal | 2011 08 06


Tai „Skype“ programai skirtas įrankis, kuris leis įrašyti pokalbius balsu. Įrašai išsaugomi MP3 pavidalu. Juos bet kada galime perklausyti.



A simple tool that can record Skype audio conversations

iFree recorder is an easy-to-use application that will allow you to record Skype voice conversations.

Here are some key features of „iFree Skype Recorder“:

· Automatic or manual recording capabilities.
· Can be used to record Skype2Skype calls, SkypeOut/SkypeIn calls, Conference calls.
· Choice to record different side.
· Store your calls to MP3 format (Using Lame MP3 Encoder).
· Easy to track record history.
· Built-in audio player.
· UI friendly, easy to use.


· Skype

What’s New in This Release:

· Skype Call Recording Issue on windows7

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