Hornil Photo Resizer

pagal | 2014 04 10

Hornil Photo Resizer screenshot 1 - Hornil Photo Resizer is an application that you can use to batch resize images located on your computer.

„Hornil Photo Resizer“ – tai nemokama nuotraukų dydžio keitimo programa su keleta papildomų įrankių. Ji leis keisti jų dydžius, apversti norimu kampu, pritaikyti kelis efektus, uždėti vandens ženklą, pervardinti ar nuotraukoje iškirpti norimą vietą. Yra ir lietuvių kalba, tam atsisiųskite kalbų paketą iš čia: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/89731022/stylepixpro/language.zip ir archyvo turinį įkelkite į „C:\Program Files\Hornil\PhotoResizer\Language“.


A simple to use tool that can help you quickly deal with large numbers of images and photos that need to be resized without loosing quality

Whether you’re a photographer or a person that loves to gather images from all over the Internet, you often need an application that can resize those photos so they become faster to share and easier to store on a hard drive.

Hornil Photo Resizer is a tool that can help you do just that and much more. With it, you are able to resize any number of photos that are located on your computer in one move and also apply various other changes to them.

Displaying an intuitive interface, Hornil Photo Resizer offers you all its tools in a logical succession of steps. They allow you to add images, choose the new dimensions for them, apply a rotation, add filters, watermarks and change their name.

When it comes to resizing, the application has all the areas covered. It enables you to change just the width, height or both at the same time. You also get a feature that comes in really handy when the loaded images don’t have the same orientation by allowing you to choose whether you want to adjust the longer or shorter length.

Hornil Photo Resizer screenshot 2 - Accessing the Resize section, you can choose to adjust the width or height of the source images.

Hornil Photo Resizer screenshot 3 - Users are able to rotate the images by 90 or 180 degrees, as well as flip them about their axes.

Hornil Photo Resizer screenshot 4

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Hornil Photo Resizer screenshot 8

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