„Artweaver Free“ – nuotraukų redagavimo programa su profesionaliomis funkcijomis, tokiomis kaip kelių lygių sluoksniai, paveikslėlio filtrai bei plačiu failų palaikymu. Pakoreguotas nuotraukas galėsite išsaugoti ne tik standartiniais formatais (BMP, TGA, GIF, JPG, PCX ir kt.) bet ir PDF.
Photo editor that features powerful tools and advanced settings, such as multiple layers and image filters, in addition to rich file type support
Artweaver is a simple-to-use graphic editing application that provides users with standard and advanced tools for creating and editing image files. It supports BMP, TGA, GIF, JPG and PCX, among other formats, along with filters and multiple layers.
Hassle-free installation and user-friendly GUI
The setup procedure is fast and easy job that shouldn’t impose any difficulties. As for the interface, Artweaver adopts a clean and comfortable main window that contains a menu.
Photos can be opened from file or new projects can be put together by specifying the name, size, resolution, and background color.
Resort to standard and advanced settings
Standard drawing tools contain brush, movement, shape selection, magic wand, Lasso, crop, perspective grid, text, shape, gradient, eraser, stamp, dropper, paint bucket, zoom, and pan.
It is possible to configure the color set, work with multiple layers, undo and redo actions, make image adjustments (e.g. brightness, contrast, color balance, levels), modify the canvas or image size, as well as transform or merge layers.
Additionally, you can apply filters (e.g. blur, distort, noise, render, sharpen), switch to full screen mode, set up advanced options (e.g. color variability, opacity, jitter), access a list of recently used tools, and more. Plus, you can import Clipboard and WIA-supported content, as well as export the image to PDF.