ALLSubtitleSearcher 1.2

pagal | 2010 10 05

Atsisiųskite filmams subtitrus visomis kalbomis.


Download matching subtitles in all languages.

ALLSubtitlesSearcher is a simple, easy to use application specially designed to help you download matching subtitles in all languages. Just click the right mouse button on a movie file and choose from the menu ALLSubtitlesSearcher. The rest happens automatically – the program will download and save the latest subtitles to the same directory where a movie is located. You can set the subtitles language in the program menu, however subtitles in user’s local language are downloaded by default.

Atsisiųsti iš ČIA (1.1 MB / Windows 2K / XP / Vista / 7)

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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