Nice Flowers Free Screensaver 1.0.2

pagal | 2011 09 03

Tai puiki gėlių ekrano užsklanda.

DĖMESIO! Šiai programai reikia DirectX 8 programos.


Look at your desktop and enjoy the views of nice flowers on it

The Nice Flowers Free screensaver will show you the most wonderful items that mother-nature can show to people – flowers.

People really like flowers and they are the very important part of the human culture. Women are especially delighted with flowers and like to keep them at home and see outdoors.

Using this screensaver you have a chance to see the views of individual flowers, groups of them and flower fields. Some of them are rare and grow far away from civilization.

Once you install this screensaver on your computer, it will seem that every day is a holiday!


· DirectX 8

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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