gMote 1.41

pagal | 2011 07 28

Ši nemokama programa skirta valdyti kompiuterį įvairiais pelės judesiais. Įjungus „gMote“ tereikia nustatyti, kokį veiksmą, pvz., įjungti kitą programą, norime atlikti tam tikru pelės judesiu.


Record. Assign. Draw. Efficiency in three simple steps

gMote should come in handy especially if you’re tired of hunting for shortcut icons or web bookmarks.

gMote allows you to record gestures (mouse motions) and assign them to frequently performed tasks. All that it takes is three simple steps.

What’s New in This Release:

· NEW: send complex keystrokes
· NEW: choose working directories for launched programs
· NEW: more portability
· NEW: toggle Window state using „Restore“ action, from maximized to restored and back
· FIXED: Alt+Win key combination
· FIXED: various other things I’ve forgotten about

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