Daugiau neturėkite jokių bėdų norėdami nufotografuoti ekrano vaizdą. Šioje programoje yra trys pasirenkami fotografavimo režimai: dalinis (kai pasirinktas norimas plotas), langas (kai norime įamžinti atverto lango vaizdą) ir viso ekrano.
Make screen capture easy with capture modes: window, region and scrolling page
The DuckCapture application provides four capture modes that make screen capture easy! Capture a window on your screen, region of your screen, or the contents of a tall web page that scrolls.
Here are some key features of „DuckLink Screen Capture“:
· Capture a window
· Get just the window, not the stuff behind or around it.
· Capture a region
· Draw a box on the screen and capture whatever is inside.
· Capture a tall window
· Can’t fit it on the screen? DuckCapture auto-scrolls the window and grabs it all!