Desktop Calendar XP 5.05

pagal | 2012 10 13

Dažnai žiūrite į kalendorių? Tada šis įrankis kaip tik jums. Tai kalendorius jūsų darbalaukiui. Taip pat šią programą galėsite naudoti kaip žadintuvą.


A simple, eye-catching, customizable calendar

Checking out the current time and date can be easily done using the built-in functions Windows comes with. If you need a bit more than what the operating system has to offer by default, there are several software tools you can choose from and Desktop Calendar XP is one of them.

It is a full-featured calendar designed to bring you a lot more useful information besides telling you which day it is. However, even if it was meant to be stylish, Desktop Calendar XP isn’t quite an appealing product, as the interface looks rather dull.

Desktop Calendar XP also comprises a wallpaper manager to help you deal with your screen backgrounds, a calendar printer, as well as a date calculator to assist you when trying to find out a date on the 200-year calendar the app includes.

Even if this is an application designed for managing desktop, date and time features, you will find in it an integrated MP3 player. It has just the basic playback functions, nonetheless you will find a playlist creator and editor you can use to manage your music.

With Desktop Calendar XP you can also set customizable alarms to be reminded of important events and the software comes with a talking buddy.

All things considered, Desktop Calendar XP works quite well, even if the looks may be less appealing. The calendar functions are useful as is the wallpaper management facility and the built-in music player so it is worth a try if you want a bit more than the default date and time features of your OS.

Here are some key features of „Desktop Calendar XP“:

· Calendar for 200 years
· Stylish Skins
· Real-time Desktop Clock
· Feature-rich Wallpaper Manager
· Mini Desktop Calendar
· Date Calculator
· Calendar Printer
· System Date & Time Changer
· MP3 Player
· Year Overview
· Easy access from the System Tray
· Talking Buddy
· Automatically changing Images
· Downloadable Image Packs
· Customizable Alarm

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