BioniX Wallpaper Changer Lite 11.1.1

pagal | 2019 11 25

Darbastalio nuotrauka šios programos pagalba pasikeis Jūsų nurodytu laiko intervalu, pasirinkta tvarka (paeiliui ar atsitiktine). Papildomai prie nuotraukos galėsite pritaikyti efektus (apversti, uždėti užblukimą, pridėti laikrodį ar kalendorių). Nuotraukas darbastaliui galėsite atsisiųsti iš Flickr ar kitos savo pasirinktos svetainės.


Automatically change your desktop wallpaper, download photos from Flickr or custom websites, shuffle wallpapers, and show a digital clock or calendar on the screen

BioniX Wallpaper Changer Lite is a lightweight desktop enhancement application specialized in automatically changing your wallpaper and downloading images from websites. 

User interface

The utility implements a GUI that looks similar to one used by audio players. You have access to a set of audio-like control buttons that allow you to start or stop the automatic changing mode and set the previous or next image as your wallpaper. The configuration panel hides lots of tweaking parameters. If you don’t need them, you can hide them from your view and enable the minimalistic layout that embeds basic buttons for managing wallpapers. Tooltips are displayed each time you hover your mouse cursor over a specific feature in order to get details about its functionality. 

Create thematic playlists

BioniX Wallpaper-Lite allows you to build up thematic playlists that store the images you want to set as wallpapers. You may save them to your computer and import them in your future projects.  Plus, you can build up a list with photos added from your PC using the drag-and-drop support or import the content of an entire folder. 

Bionix wallpaper changer
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