
pagal | 2013 12 05

Bgcall screenshot 1 - The main window of Bgcall allows you to choose the pictures that you want to use as wallpapers.

„Bgcall“ įrankis skirtas rankiniu ar automatiniu būdu greitai pakeisti Jūsų darbastalio nuotrauką. Prie besikeičiančių nuotraukų galėsite pridėti kalendorių. Taip pat programa palaiko kelių monitorių režimą.


A simple and user-friendly wallpaper changer

Bgcall is an easy to use wallpaper changer that provides support for multiple monitors. It can manage multiple wallpaper lists and let you choose the one you want to use.

Optionally, you can integrate a calendar into the wallpaper and configure the wallpaper settings manually. The clean and well organized interface makes it suitable for any type of user.

Atsisiųsti ( 734 KB / Windows OS )

Bgcall screenshot 2 - From the Options window, you can easily set the wallpaper margin color and the autostart execution delay.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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