Wormblaster 2.7.7

pagal | 2012 10 08

Kiekvienas naršome internete, o iš ten siunčiamės įvairiausius failus. Tokiu būdu lengva pasigauti virusų, kirminų ar kenkėjiškų programų. Atsisiuntę šią programą galėsite lengvai ir be rūpesčių juos pašalinti tiek iš kompiuterio, tiek iš USB atmintinės. Papildomai su šia programa galėsite ne tik ištrinti šiukšles iš kompiuterio, sutaisyti registrus, stebėti realiu laiku veikiančius procesus, tačiau ir optimizuoti sistemą, kad jį veiktų greitai ir užtikrintai.


WormBlaster Security – We Protect the CyberWorld.

Wormblaster is an all-purpose virus removal tool. It provides a qualitatively new level of protection for your PC through the optimal combination of traditional antivirus technology and modern proactive methods for USB Threats. Products easy to install and configure, they provide a greater opportunity to adapt the work under the individual needs of users. Programs differ not only integrate seamlessly with the family of operating systems Microsoft Windows, but compatibility with other software to protect personal computers.

Here are some key features of „Wormblaster“:

· Provides Search and Destroy Scanner to remove known or unknown threats into your infected system.
· Control panel Options provide you to configure the options of the software.
· Process explorer provide you to terminate the process of known or unkown threats.
· System Optimizer provide you to tweaks your PC and Improved.
· Washer it is having three useful buttons to choose.
· Useful Utilities 9 useful utilities from Microsoft Windows.
· Startup Entry the way to remove the startup of known or unkown threats after terminating them.
· Lifetime Protection is a proactive defense for all types of threats from the removable drives (USB).
· Hidden file/folder fixer is the way to fix all folders or files that are hides by a viruses.
· Update Virus Database file provide you to update the virus database to ensure the security you needs from WormBlaster Team.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
Wormblaster 2.7.7, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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