System Security Expert 2010 6.0.4

pagal | 2010 09 23

Programa padės kompiuterį apsaugoti nuo kenkėjų (rogueware / malware) . Bei paspartinti kompiuterio įsijungima bei išsijungimą.


Tools And Options To Secure And Optimize Your Windows Computer System

System Security Expert is an advanced program to scan and clean rogueware / malware on your computer and exploring hidden rogueware/malware programs on your PC. You have also some utilities to use for a safe and secure PC.

System Security Expert will speed up the shutdown, log off, restart process with very less memory usage.

Requirements ( Reikalavimai) :

· .NET Framework 4

Atsisiųsti iš ČIA (465 KB / Windows XP / Vista / XP X64 / Vista64 / 7 / 7 x64 )

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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