SterJo Portable Firewall Free

pagal | 2012 02 11

Šios ugniasienės paskirtis apsaugoti kompiuterį nuo interneto įsilaužėlių, kurie kėsinasi į Jūsų kompiuteryje esančius duomenis. Programa Jums padės stebėti ir blokuoti naudojamus tinklo ryšius ir prisijungimus, kurie pasirodys įtartini ar nepageidaujami. Taip pat šios programos pagalba galime uždrausti ar leisti programoms interneto prieigą. Programos nereikia įdiegti į kompiuterį.


Software designed to prevent outsiders from accessing your network.

SterJo Portable Firewall Free is a handy and reliable utility that blocks outsiders from accessing your network even if it is run from a USB drive.

The unit serves as the single entry point to your network and evaluate all TCP connections requests as they are received comparing them with each rule in the policy. This is advanced easy-to-use software with ability to watch for all ports on your system and block them if necessary

Activity provides a real-time view of the open connections through the firewall. The policy editor is used to define a security policy where connections requests from unauthorized ip addresses and ports are rejected. The log provides data connection notes that can be used for prosecuting the potential attackers. The history tab gives you information about the traffic and blocked attempts

Here are some key features of „SterJo Portable Firewall Free“:

· Displaying established connections
· Ability to close unwanted connections
· Logs connection notes for potential attackers
· Setting policy rule by user needs

Atsisiųsti ( 901 KB / Windows OS )


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