Spyware Terminator 2012

pagal | 2010 01 26

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Real-Time Protection against spyware and adware.

Most computer users protect their workstations using full-fledged antivirus solutions that include or run in conjunction with a firewall. Even if this should provide enough shelter from the ever-spreading malware, an extra layer of security that targets specific threats doesn’t hurt and an application like Spyware Terminator could be just what you need.

This software has the power to detect and remove spyware and adware quickly and easily. The greatest thing about Spyware Terminator is that it works fast and has all the features you would need to keep malware at bay.

First of all, this powerful enemy of all spyware comes with real-time protection, which means the computer is on the safe side all the time, connected to the Internet or not. The application monitors the entire activity on the computer and blocks dangerous files from infecting the machine.

Secondly, there’s an automatic update feature that keeps Spyware Terminator up to date with the latest definitions.

Last but not least, the application provides several scanning modes, on-demand and automatic, one for each type of user. Plus, the on-demand mode includes three different options, fast, full and custom and each of them worked flawlessly during our tests.

The settings menu is pretty rich, so you’ll find there a lot of options to customize like those for antivirus, real-time or host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) protection.

Spyware Terminator also comes with a handful of useful tools, such as an online vault, a system optimizer or a startup tuner.

All things considered, Spyware Terminator remains one of the best tools of its kind, and is an easy way to defend your computer against adware, spyware, hijackers, keyloggers and other similar threats.

Here are some key features of „Spyware Terminator 2012“:

Free Spyware Removal :
· Spyware Terminator will scan your computer for known threats and report findings in a manner that is easy to read and interpret. Every entry is given a rating and a classification, which makes it very easy to decide if a detected item should be removed. Unlike some free software titles, Spyware Terminator will remove all threats for free.

Free Automatic Updates :
· Spyware Terminator offers the ability to download and install updates automatically. Users are free to dictate how often Spyware Terminator checks for updates and how they are applied.

Free Scheduled Scans :
· Spyware Terminator gives users the ability to schedule spyware scans on a regular basis to ensure computer integrity. Scans can be scheduled on either a daily or a weekly basis at any hour of the day.

Free AntiVirus Integration (only for Premium edition):
· Spyware Terminator has included the popular antivirus F-PROT, for optional integration to achieve a higher level of security. F-PROT can be integrated into spyware scans, updates and the real-time protection.


· At least 80 MB of free space on your disk drive
· Screen resolution min. 800×600 pixels.

What’s New in This Release:

· Spyware Terminator now supports 64bit OS (Windows Vista, Windows 7)

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
Spyware Terminator 2012, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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