Remove Fake Antivirus 1.94

pagal | 2013 10 27

Ši apsaugininkė pašalins iš kompiuterio antivirusines-apsimetėles. Tokios antivirusinės dažniausiai praneša apie neva kompiuteryje didelį kiekį virusų ir kad juos ištrinti, siūlo programą įsigyti už nemažus pinigus. Keletą tokių antivirusinių pavyzdžių, kurių niekada neįdiekite į kompiuterį:  Cyber Security, Braviax, Alpha Antivirus, Green AV, Windows Protection Suite, Total Security 2009, Windows System Suite ir Personal Antivirus.


This application is used to remove fake Antiviruses from your computers

Viruses are constantly lurking on the Internet and probably the worst thing is that their creators have found a new and extremely dangerous way to infect computers: they attempt to reach a clean machine by pretending to be a very efficient antivirus available for free. In some cases, real antivirus solutions fail to detect the installed malicious software, so dedicated solutions are a must have.

This is why Remove Fake Antivirus was developed, as some antivirus tools out there had problems when it came to removing infected files such as Cyber Security, Braviax, Alpha Antivirus, Green AV, Windows Protection Suite, Total Security 2009, Windows System Suite and Personal Antivirus.

The tool needs to be used by beginners and experts alike, therefore it had to be kept as simple as possible, so there is no installation procedure, as the application is being delivered as a stand-alone executable file.

The user has nothing else to do than to double-click the file and start a computer scan which can take several minutes to complete. The application scans every section on the computer to detect whether it is infected or not, while afterward it attempts to clean it by removing the dangerous files.

Once the scan is finished, the software recommends another full scan from the installed antivirus solution, followed by a reboot. These steps are required to ensure that all traces left by the fake antivirus products are removed.

The lack of a more user-friendly interface is obviously a setback, but Remove Fake Antivirus impresses with its simplicity. It is very fast and, more importantly, very efficient, and this is what makes it one of the must have apps when it comes to a security solution. It is also freeware and it takes only a few seconds to give it a shot.

What’s New in This Release:

· Add ability to remove PC Defender Plus

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 5.0/10 (1 balsas)
Remove Fake Antivirus 1.94, 5.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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  1. andrius


    VA:F [1.9.13_1145]
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