Qana 2.2

pagal | 2020 09 17

„Qana“ įrankis skirtas jūsų dokumentų bei failų saugiam užkodavimui ir atkodavimui naudojant Salsa20 ir AES-256 algoritmus. Papildomai programa leis failus išskaidyti dalimis, juos sujungti ar saugiai ištrinti. Sukurta JAVA pagrindu.


Protects your files and folders by encrypting them using AES-256 or Salsa20 algorithms and allows you to hide a file within an image

Qana is a Java-based application with advanced settings dedicated to keepying your important data safe. It can encrypt files with customized keys, split files into smaller parts and merge them back together, create archives, and more.

Advanced file encryptor with two ciphers

Before proceeding any further, you should know that the tool comes bundled with comprehensive features for file encryption, which means that it’s not ideal for casual users looking for a quick encryption app. A bit of patience is necessary to configure every aspect of Qana, in order to make file cracking an impossible task for anyone attempting to snoop around your private data.

Before encrypting files, you have to set up global or temporary keys using the AES-256 or Salsa20 algorithm, depending on your preference, along with a custom word or string of random characters (preferred for maximizing security).

Easily encrypt and decrypt files with custom-made keys

You can set up as many keys as you want, edit their properties anytime, and seamlessly perform file encryption. The steps required for file decryption are the same as the ones for encryption: pick the source file, then specify the output directory and file name.

As previously mentioned, Qana has options for splitting files and merging them back together while still taking into account the encryption factor. Additionally, you can securely erase files to prevent other from recovering them with specialized tools, validate encrypted files, conceal files in images and recover them, as well as write text in a built-in editor and secure it.

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