Password Safe 3.29

pagal | 2012 10 07

Kai kurie žmonės yra linkę pamiršti slaptažodžius. Jie griebia lapuką ir ima ten rašyti įvairiausius slaptažodžius. Programa skirta kaip tik tiems, kurie dažnai pamiršta juos. Atsisiuntę šią programą galėsite visus savo slaptažodžius rašyti į šią programą. Nereikės gadinti rašiklių ir lapukų.


A tool that allows you to have a different password for all the different programs and websites

Password Safe is a utility that will allow you to create a different password for all the various apps and websites you deal with.

You don’t have to actually remember all those usernames and passwords if you use Password Safe.

What’s New in This Release:

New Features:
· Empty Groups are now persistent (previously a group with no entries would ‘disappear’ if the database was locked or closed).
· The Last Modified and Password Modified date/times are initially set to show the entry’s creation time, instead of being blank.
· When comparing databases, you can now display of the details of the entries’ differences in the results dialog by right-click -> compare selected entries.
· You can now cancel a long running Compare, Merge or Synchronize database operation. Note: You should check the operation’s report file to see if the operation was indeed cancelled. If not, you can undo it as all operations).
· Portuguese (Brazil) installation instructions added.

Bugs fixed:
· Find now only highlights/select the found entry.
· Password Expiration Date now correctly set when using intervals.
· Paste into the Notes field (Add or Edit entry) is now always in plain text.
· When generating passwords (Ctrl-P), the user is no longer prompted to save …



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