Random Password Generator 1.0

pagal | 2013 10 27

Mažas ir naudingas įrankis, padėsiantis sukurti keletą slaptažodžių vienu pelytės mygtuko paspaudimu. Galėsite pasirinkti įvairius kriterijus padėsiančius programai sugeneruoti naujus slaptažodžius: ilgį bei ar bus taikomi specialūs simboliai, didžiosios/mažosios raidės, skaičiai.


Generates any quantity of passwords with one mouse click

The Random Password Generator application will generate any quantity of passwords with one mouse click. With Random Password Generator you don’t have to think of new passwords, since Random Password Generator will create them for you.

Here are some key features of „Random Password Generator“:

· generating passwords 1-24 symbols in length;
· including special symbols (@, !, #, etc.) into the password;
· composing password using only symbols you listed in the ‘other symbols’ field;
· the ability to save to text file or to the clipboard one password or a password list.

Atsisiųsti ( 21 KB / Windows OS )

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (2 balsų)
Random Password Generator 1.0, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
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