DirLock 1.4

pagal | 2011 05 26

DirLock yra programa, kuri leidžia vartotojams užrakinti  įvairius aplankus. DirLock yra skirtas vartotojams, kurie saugo savo kompiuterio aplankus.


dirLock is a simple but easy to use program that lets users lock/unlock any folder on a NTFS volume.

dirLock is a simple but easy to use program that lets users lock/unlock any folder on a NTFS volume.

dirLock is designed for users who keep their computer turned on/logged in for others to use it. So using this app you’d be able to lock individual folders instead of just locking the whole computer.

It also has features to hide and encrypt any folder. Although encrypting a large folder is not recommended because it is a slow process.

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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
DirLock 1.4, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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