SkyORB 2011 4.0.3

pagal | 2012 10 28

Turbūt kiekvienas norėtų pasižvalgyti po kosmoso platybes. Tačiau turbūt tam neturite įrangos ir negalite tuo pasigrožėti. atsisiuntus šią programą  ir pasinaudojus jos ypatumais galėsite stebėti kosmosą iš savo kompiuterio. Ir net nereikia jokios įrangos. Dėl šios priežasties nereikės leisti pinigu brangiam teleskopui.

Ši programa nebendrauja su Windows XP operacine sistema.


3D planetarium, star gazing and epheremis, based from engine

SkyORB is a space simulation and star gazing utility. SkyORB is more than a simple star map, it’s a collection of 6 tools including a 3D star map, 3D planetarium, ephemeris, search engine, sun clock and more.

Developed since 2002, SkyORB is now entirely rewritten for better performance and user experience.

Features resolution independance (480×320 to 1920×1080) and HDR bloom. Also features time and location customisation.

Here are some key features of „SkyORB 2011“:

· Local view with magnitude 7 stars, nebulas, MPC (can be updated from network)
· GPS and digital compass (iPhone version)
· Space view with real size mode and orbit mode
· Local sun/rise set times
· Sun clock with world map showing sunrise/sunset terminator
· Moon phase with date of full and new moons.
· Universal search engine for locating every objects you want.
· Both OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 support.


· Fully D3D10/SM4.0 compliant graphics card, 256MB
· Latest DirectX Runtimes installed (August 2009 or better)
· nVidia Geforce 8400 or better
· ATI Radeon HD 2400 or better
· Intel GMA 3100 or better

What’s New in This Release:

· Now available for PC DirectX 10 August 2009 and OpenGL 2.1. New installer with full DirectX detection.

Atsisiųsti ( ( 21.4 MB / Windows Vista / 7 )

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
SkyORB 2011 4.0.3, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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