Screen Pixel Measurer 2.0

pagal | 2017 02 24

„Screen Pixel Measurer“ – paprastas įrankis skirtas gauti/ rasti pasirinkto pikselio (liet. taško) ar formos poziciją ekrane.


XYDiameter_1Retrieve the coordinates of a point on your screen or data such as width, height or length for a line or a rectangle by using this tool

If you work as a web developer or graphic designer and would like to determine the size of various objects on your screen, your best course of action would be turning to specialized software solutions.

One of the applications that can help you achieve satisfactory results in the situation described above is Screen Pixel Measurer, as it can provide you with relevant information.

Measure various values on your screen

Screen Pixel Measurer is a lightweight application that enables you to determine various parameters of objects on your screen by setting a point of origin, retrieving coordinates for a point and viewing line or rectangle data.

Clicking the four dedicated buttons enables you to perform the actions mentioned above, but you can also do that by pressing the F1, F2, F3 and F4 function keys on your keyboard. Measuring an object requires you to use your mouse to select or draw the object on your screen. Unfortunately, you cannot use the directional keys on your keyboard for increased accuracy, which might disconcert some users.

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