QTranslate 2.3.1

pagal | 2011 11 05

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Choose the best variant of translation using different translation services

QTranslate is a lightweight application that was created in order to help you instantly translate texts among several languages.

With this small utility, you simply select the text you want to translate and then press hot key (Ctrl+Q to show translation in the popup window or Ctrl+W to show translation in the main window). The program also has the ability to speak text (Ctrl+E). Also, you can open the main window and type text manually.

Note: The program translates a text by using online translation services, so you need an Internet connection.

Here are some key features of „QTranslate“:

· Translate text in any application that support text selection (Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, Acrobat Reader, Skype, IE and etc.);
· Spell checking;
· Text to speech synthesis;
· Word suggestion/autocomplete (Ctrl+Space);
· History of translations (Ctrl+H);
· Virtual keyboard.


· Internet connection

Atsisiųsti ( 331 KB / Windows OS )

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