Life’s Battle 1.0

pagal | 2017 03 02

„Life’s Battle“ – nedidelė programa, kuri suskaičiuos Jūsų gyvenimo trukmę ar kiek laiko praėjo nuo Jums svarbaus įvykio. Programoje galėsite palikti apie tai įrašą ir jį apsaugoti PIN kodu.


Life-s-Battle_1Calculates the number of days, weeks and months since you were born, enabling you to consult a calendar and write notes effortlessly

Life’s Battle is a fun application that calculates for how long you’ve been alive and presents each day as a round of the battle of life. It also comes packed with a calendar that can be filled with various notes.

Find out for how many days, weeks and months you’ve been alive

Following a speedy setup operation that shouldn’t give you any trouble, you’re greeted by a simple interface, which is not exactly intuitive so it’s necessary to explore each part of the main window to figure out what each option does. The key is reading the tooltips revealed when hovering the mouse over a setting.

You can specify your birth date and double-click a button to calculate the total days up until the current date. In addition to the days (rounds), Life’s Battle shows the number of weeks and months in a tooltip, along with the day of the week when you were born. Every time you perform a new calculation, the application triggers an audio alert similar to the one announcing end of rounds in boxing.

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