WinRAR Unlock 1.1

pagal | 2009 11 29

Dažnai taip atsitinka,kad netikėtai suspaudus .rar ar .zip archyvą užmirštate slaptažodį? Tuomet ši programa kaip tik jums. Ji nulauš archyvatoriaus slaptažodį ir lengvai galėsite pasiekti failus.


Unlock winrar archives (including SFX) allowing you to modify the content freely.

Winrar Unlock was designed to unlock winrar archives (including SFX) allowing you to modify the content freely.

With Winrar archive lock to prevent modification, people cannot change the content in it, cannot change the comment and so on. Through some patching of few bytes, you are able to modify your archive with ease.

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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WinRAR Unlock 1.1, 8.5 out of 10 based on 6 ratings
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