
pagal | 2011 08 24


Ši nemokama programa padės parsisiųsti failų iš interneto. Su ja patogiau parsisiųsime rinkmenų iš įvairių tinklapių ir P2P tinklų, pvz., „BitTorent“ ar „eMULE“ .



Safe, High-speed, Multi-protocol support

FlashGet is specifically created to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: speed and management of downloaded files.

FlashGet can split downloaded files into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase in downloading speed from 100% to 500%. This, coupled with FlashGet’s powerful and easy-to-use management features, helps you take control of your downloads like never before. It supports HTTP, FTP, BT and eMule protocols and IE6,7,8 and Firefox are supported.

There is also a Chinese version of this software available.

Here are some key features of „FlashGet“:

Optimize the system resource:
· FlashGet can use up the lowest system resources and will not influence your normal work or study.

Call anti-virus automatically:
· FlashGet can call anti-virus automatically to clean viruses, spyware and adware after finishing download.

Increase the download speed and stability:
· Flashget can increase download speed from 6-10 times. It uses MHT (Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation) technique and optimization arithmetic

Support HTTP, FTP, BT and other various protocols:
· FlashGet supports HTTP, FTP, BT, MMS, RTSP and other protocols. It is seamless between protocols and there is no need to operate manually for download switch. The One Touch technique optimizes BT download and can automatically download target files after getting seeds information, hence no need to operate again.

Powerful files management feature:
· It supports unlimited categories. Each category is assigned a download saving directory. The powerful management feature can support drag and drop, adding and description, search, rename, etc.

What’s New in This Release:

· FlashGet3 supports HTTP,FTP,BT and eMule protocols.
· The new P4S technique chould highly accelerate the downloading process.
· IE6, IE7, IE8 and Firefox are supported.

Reasons why this program is marked as ad-supported:

· Displays ad banners or other types of advertising material during its runtime
· Attempts to change the homepage for web browsers installed on the system
· Offers to download or install software or components (Google Toolbar) that the program does not require to fully function

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