Flash Cards Extra 1.14

pagal | 2013 12 07

Flash Cards Extra screenshot 1 - The main window of Flash Cards Extra allows you to choose one of the flash card folders

„Flash Cards Extra“ įrankis skirtas Jūsų mažuosius vaikus išmokyti daiktų pavadinimų įvairiomis kalbomis. Programa ne tik pateikia nemažą kiekį animuotų kortelių (anglų kalba), tačiau ir leidžia įkelti sukurtas Jūsų pačių (paveikslėlių pavidalu).


A simple and easy to use educational tool

Flash Cards Extra is a user-friendly and efficient piece of software whose main function is to assist educators in their task of teaching children various vocabulary items.

The program is quite simple to work with, requiring little to no experience with similar tools, as it guides you every step of the way. Flash Cards Extra only runs in full-screen mode, so you cannot resize the window, only minimize it to the task bar.

The application comes with two pre-existing flash card folders, each featuring 45 entries. The ‘UK Nouns 01’ directory contains pictures of animals and every day objects, along with the name written underneath and the corresponding pronunciation. These can be used with young children to teach them simple vocabulary terms or with students whose native language is not English.

The ‘UK – Reception Year’ contains a series of basic written words along with their correct pronunciation. These too can be used for teaching English to people who are not native speakers, as well as children who have mispronunciation problems.

Flash Cards Extra screenshot 2 - In order for the flash cards to be displayed you can press the 'Play' or 'Random Play' buttons

Flash Cards Extra screenshot 3 - The File menu of the application enables you to create a new flash card folder or edit an existing one

Flash Cards Extra screenshot 6


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