Exlib 1.1

pagal | 2013 01 18

Nemokama programa sportuojantiems, kurie nori pasiekti maksimalių rezultatų kilnojant svorius ir ištreniruoti raumenis netgi namuose. Šioje programoje matysite kaip reikia atlikti įvairius pratimus su svarmenimis ir kokios raumenų grupės tuo metu dirba. Taip pat galite susiplanuoti savo treniruočių grafiką.


It is a library and diary where you record your day by day information regarding the fitness exercises you make.

Exlib is an exercise diary and library where you can keep notes of your fitness and exercise information.

Exlib consists of four main sections: diary, programs, reports and library. With the diary you can register your exercise information, supplements, injuries, exercise notes, body measurements etc. The registered data can be used by the report generator to analyze your training progress.

Generate and view exercise reports and graphs describing your progress in a given time period. With the program composer you can access ready-made exercise programs or create, modify and print your own programs.

If you have a PDA, you can download the free Exlib Mobile application and register your training information while you are at the gym.


Atsisiųsti ( 49.8 MB / Windows OS )

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