E.Calculator 1.1

pagal | 2012 01 28

Ši programa greitai atliks daugumą matematinių skaičiavimų,o gal net ir pakeis standartinį Windows operacinėje sistemoje esantį įrankį „Skaičiuotuvas“ („Calculator“) .




Easy-to-use Java-based math calculator

E.Calculator was developed as an easy-to-use and accessible tool for performing basic math calculations.

It’s two fields for input gives it extended functions. Just enter the two numbers and you are ready to perform multiple operations.


· Java

What’s New in This Release:

· HCF problem solved
· Increased length for result textfield and a new label for displaying operator applied.
· Now perform basic functions(+, -, *) on integer length of 19 digits.\

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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