
pagal | 2011 11 17

Add/Remove yra pokštas, kuris bando apgauti, kad ištrina visas jūsų kompiuteryje esančias programas, naudojant Windows įrankį Add/Remove program. Šis pokštas yra toks realistiškas, kad su juo apgausite net patyrusį vartotoją. Jeigu jūs norite išgasdinti arba atkeršiti už jums padaryta išdaigą? Tai yra tai ko jums reikia. Išjungti šią išdaiga galite paspaudę mygtuką „Close“


Add/Remove is a prank program that makes it appear that all of your software on your computer is being removed using the Windows Add/Remove Program feature. This gag is so real, it will shock the most experienced user. If you are looking for a great gag to play on someone, this prank is a must download. It is so realistic, because it displays all of the software that is installed on the computer it is ran from. When you first run Add/Remove there is no other option but OK, and as soon as you click on that the fun begins. Download Add/remove today!

How to close

Click the Close button after it has completed pretending to remove all of the software on your computer.

Atsisiųsti ( 113K / Windows OS )



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