i.File 0.40

pagal | 2011 11 27

i.File yra paprasta programa, skirta tyrinėti, peržiūrėti, valdyti ir pašalinti aplankus ir failus.


A file manager

i.File is an easy-to-use software for exploring, viewing, managing and removing folders and files.

Currently i.File is targetted at other developers in an attempt to get some help with bringing it up to speed.

What’s New in This Release:

· Fixed the CVS file status code to not hang the search when looking for modified files.
· Fixed having a directory selected locking it so that it can’t be deleted.
· Fixed new directories not showing up in the UI when pasting them.
· [Win32] Improved the open with menu to a functional state.
· Fixed a very embarrasing memory leak.
· [Win32] Fixed the quality of applications populating the „Open With“ list. Windows is trying very hard to make it impossible to make that menu work, I keep finding little differences in the registry format with untried file types.
· Unified the network neighbourhood code and intergrated the win32 and linux backends. Adds network browsing support to the windows port.
· [Win32] Fixed deleting system/hidden/read-only files.
· [Win32] Fixed crash on very long error messages.
· [Win32] Limited delete error messages to first 16 errors.
· [Win32] Fixed backspace keyboard binding.
· [Win32] Added „Explore…“ menu option in the right click menu.
· Fixed all the fo…

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