Easy-Data Batch File Renaming Tool

pagal | 2014 08 31

Easy-Data Batch File Renaming Tool screenshot 1 - Easy-Data Batch File Renaming Tool is a reliable application that enables you to select many files of a kind and rename them.

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A simple to use file managing application that enables you to select all the files of a kind form a folder, then replace their names

Easy-Data Batch File Renaming Tool is a reliable software that enables you to quickly and easily change the names of multiple files at the same time. The software allows you to set a file filter, in order to separate all the files of a kind from a folder or rename all the items in the directory, regardless of their format.

User-friendly interface

Easy-Data Batch File Renaming Tool allows you to work in a friendly environment, select the source folder and separate the desired files, then set the old / new filenames. A table like display on the right displays the selected files along with the new names.

The software allows you to replace a part of a file name with another character sequence, but the rest of the file title remains intact. It is highly useful when you wish to rename multiple photos from an event or the audio tracks from a CD. In order for the process to go smoothly, the files require a common denominator in their names.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.1 MB / Windows OS )



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