MediaPurge 7.12

pagal | 2020 10 01
Media Purge

Su „MediaPurge“ įrankiu 5 lengvais žingsniais galėsite rasti ne tik pasikartojančius failus ir katalogus, bet pasikartojančius muzikos įrašus, žymas ar jų informacijos duomenis.


A simple and intuitive application that enables you to remove duplicate media files from your computer in just a few swift moves

MediaPurge is a comprehensive and reliable software solution developed to provide you with an efficient means of cleaning your system of duplicates and copies, targeting media files in particular, specifically audio and video.

Intuitive and easy to handle appearance

The program features a sort of wizard-style user interface, guiding you step by step through an entire operation and allowing you to choose the action you want to perform.

As such, you can ‘Find Duplicate Files’, ‘Sort Files To Subdirectories’, ‘Edit File Names and Tags’ or ‘Synchronize Media Stocks’, depending on your particular needs.

Find and discard duplicates or synchronize media stocks

For starters, you will need to choose the category that you want to operate in from the available ones, with each comprising several distinct functions. Choosing one of these represents the second step of the wizard, For instance, the ‘Find Duplicate Files’ category enables you to look for ‘Duplicates’ using similar file information, audio comparison or identical file copies.

Atsisiųsti (5.6 MB/ Windows 7 ir vėlesnės)

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