Bandizip 2.08 Build 8129

pagal | 2013 03 04

„Bandizip“ yra sparti ir patogi duomenų suspaudimo / išskleidimo programa palaikanti ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM ir Z failų tipus bei visas operacines sistemas įskaitant ir „Windows 8“.


A Lightweight and Fast Archiving Software. 100% Unicode support

Bandizip is an intuitive and fast archiving application that supports WinZip, 7-Zip, and WinRAR, as well as other archive formats.

Bandizip supports for ZIP, 7Z, RAR, ALZ, EGG, TAR, BH, LZH, GZ, BZ2, ISO, CAB, WIM, XZ, ARJ, and Z archives files and users can create self-extracting files (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives files.

Bandizip has very fast Zip algorithm for compression & extraction by „Fast Drag and Drop“ and „High Speed Archiving“ function.

When you archive multimedia files (AVI, WMV, MP3…) or archived files (ZIP, RAR, 7Z…), you can’t get good compression results. These files are hard to compress and sometimes the file size could be bigger than the original one. Bandizip’s „High Speed Archiving“ function will allow you to compress or bypass the files its own algorithm. It will increase the archiving speed dramatically.

A number of file archiving software extract files to temporary folder, and then it copies the files to the targeted folder. Bandizip’s „Fast Drag & Drop“ function does not use temporary folder, and it just extracts to the targeted folder directly. It will increase the extraction speed dramatically.

Another advantage of Bandizip is that it supports Unicode system perfectly. Bandizip has „Code Page“, and it will allow you to select a language in archive without breaking international characters.

With „Fast Drag & Drop“, „High Speed Archiving“, and „Code Page“ functions, Bandizip might be the sensation in archiving software market.

What’s New in This Release:

· Support multi-threaded and multi-core processors (6 times faster than the previous version)
· Create ZIPX, TAR, and TGZ archives
· Unpack ACE, TXZ, TLZ, PMA, and J2J archives
· Improved the toolbar design
· Added the Find Files window
· Added Turkish language file
· Improved code page for UNIX and Mac
· Improved SFX compression
· Show the latest archive history
· Show [..] directory in Archive
· Support for Windows 8
· Support LZMA algorithm, UTF-8, and AES encryption in ZipX
· Fixed tons of bugs

VN:F [1.9.13_1145]
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