Free ISO Burner 1.22

pagal | 2018 01 17

„Free ISO Burner“- minimalistinė 673 KB dydžio programa, kurios pagrindinė funkcija –  .ISO formato failų įrašymas į CD ar DVD diskus.


Free-ISO-Burner_2Burn ISO images fast and easy and without having to bother with any configurations via this simple and straightforward software solution

If you’re looking for an easy to use application to quickly burn ISO images to disks, you definitely need to have a look at Free ISO Burner.

This particular program has been designed with a single goal in mind: burn ISO images to disks with minimum configuration options.

In this regard, the application relies on what can very well be considered a basic interface, with all settings grouped in a single window to quickly configure the burning process.

The whole burning project thus comes down to only a few clicks, as you are prompted to pick the ISO file and the drive you wish to use, but also tweak the disc by choosing the volume label. Additionally, you are allowed to select the burn speed, the cache size and decide whether to finalize disc or not.

The bottom of the main and only window is being used for showing the burning progress, in the same way as a typical burning solution, so you can easily track the whole task.

Exclusively designed to handle ISO images, Free ISO Burner relies on a fast burning engine, so you shouldn’t spend too much setting it up and waiting to complete the task. It proved to be a very reliable product on all Windows versions, without the need for administrator privileges on Windows 7 workstations.

Atsisiųsti ( 673 KB/ Windows OS )


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