Easy Disc Burner

pagal | 2015 02 12

Įrašykite failus į CD, DVD ar Blu-ray diskus be didesnių pastangų su „Easy DisC Burner“ programa. Diskų įrašymas niekada nebuvo toks paprastas, tiesiog Įkeliate failus kuriuos norite įrašyti, pasirenkate įrenginį ir spaudžiate „Start Burning!’


A practical CD, DVD and Blu-Ray disc burning application that is well suited to create discs for any multimedia device out today

CDs and DVDs are being left behind as practical data storage and delivering mediums but they’re still hanging on and proof of this is the continuous development of disc burning applications.

Easy Disc Burner is a burning tool that allows you to burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs. It supports standard CD and DVD writers as well as BD-R and BD-RE technology.

The thing you get to like most about this application, is its simplicity. Not only is it light on your hard drive and system resources but it also displays a comprehensive and easy to use interface. This in turn makes it a practical application for novice users. It’s main window displays all the settings you need for the burning process and has them arranged in the order you need to use them for a successful burn.

Atsisiųsti ( 13.7 MB/ Windows OS )


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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (2 balsų)
Easy Disc Burner, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings
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