DVD Shrink

pagal | 2010 01 16


DVDShrink yra programa skirta daryti DVD diskų kopijoms. Jūs galite ją naudoti kartu su bet kokia DVD diskų įrašymo programa, kad galėtumėte pasidaryti diskų kopijas.

DVDShrink taip pat jeigu jūs esate isirašę „Nero“ (jos bandomają versiją galite rasti šiame tinklalapyje) jūs galėsite šias kopijas isirašyti į DVD diskus. šios programos išsaugotas DVD diskų kopijas galėsite įsirašyti ir su kitomis programomis, bet jau be DVDShrink pagalbos.

Jums gali kilti klausimas, o kuom išskirtinis yra DVDShrink.
Pirmas geras dalykas tai, kad ji sugeba nuimti apsaugas, kurias uždada leidėjai savo gaminiams.

Kitas dalykas nebera toks paprastas. Dauguma DVD filmų failai paprasčiausiai yra per dideli, kad tilptų į vieną DVD diską. DVDShrink tvarko šią bėdą mažindamas arba spausdamas informaciją iš kopijuojamo disko.

DVDShrink leidžia perdaryti diską. Jūs galite patys susidėti norima informaciją iš vieno ar kelių diskų arba galite pasirinkti tik DVD dalis kurias norite žiūrėti, taip sumažindami vietos trūkumą, bei pagerindami kokybę.


With this application you can backup DVD disks

All avid movie watchers want to keep their DVDs organized, with some some people even considering that it is better to copy all their movies to the computer, which means large hard drives are a must have in this case. Fortunately, there is an application that can help solve this issue.

DVD Shrink comes to lend a hand not only to users who like to copy their DVDs on the computer, but also to those who have a problem with storage space.

Just like its name suggests, DVD Shrink is capable of compressing DVD discs, saving disk space without affecting video quality. For instance, a regular DVD can get reduced to around 2.5 GB, which is a real achievement.

Installing and using DVD Shrink are very intuitive tasks and no user can encounter any issues with the application. The interface is clean and user friendly, organized into several panels so that the information does not look cluttered.

One of the handy aspects about DVD Shrink is that after it compresses a DVD, one also has the option to burn the image to a disc, thus saving space on the PC. The subtitles can be either included or omitted, depending on the user’s choice, and the movie can be previewed during compression.

Alternatively, users can rely on DVD Shrink to backup their disc, with no compression applied, to another disc or to the computer, selecting the entire source movie or only a certain part. Needless to say, it can also be cloned by burning another disc.

Simply put, DVD Shrink is a very handy application for all those who spend countless hours watching movies. Furthermore, it comes with a freeware license, meaning its full functionality can be enjoyed by all users, regardless of the Windows edition they run.

What’s New in This Release:

· Added Quality Settings tab in the backup dialog, with option to enable AEC „adaptive error compensation“ algorithms.
· Updated to NeroSDK 1.05, which includes support for burning DVD-9 dual-layer media. Added DVD-9 target size in preferences window.
· Removed „burn with DVD Decrypter“ checkbox and replaced with a selectable backup target.
· Added burn with CopyToDVD as a backup target, this appears if CopyToDVD is installed.

· Added automatic support for splitting ISO files if they are saved to a FAT32 partition. In this case a .MDS file is also output which can be burned with DVD Decrypter and mounted by Daemon Tools. MDS files can additionally be opened with DVD Shrink from the „Open Disc Image…“ menu.

· Added support for replacing a title with a custom image. A default image from Guy Incognito is installed.
· Added „InstallPath“, „InstallApp“ and „InstallHelp“ keys to the DVD Shrink registry.

· Added „March by ZeF69“ toolbar.
· Fixed bug where Panscan and Letterbox subpicture stre…


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