„Word Count“- nedidelis įrankis, kuris padės Jums suskaičiuoti kiek yra žodžių ir simbolių tekste. Palaikomi formatai: TXT, TEX, BIB ir tekstas nukopijuotas iš iškarpinės (angl. clipboard) .
Count the number of words and characters inside BIB, TEX, and TXT files or directly from clipboard content with this lightweight application
Depending on the domain of activity, the number of words you write has a significant importance, and if you want proof, take, for instance, the limited space for your Tweets. However, this goes beyond social media, and it is up to applications like Word Count to do the counting for documents that lack such a feature.
Can be used on the go
The application works just fine right after downloading it, which means you can use it on other computers directly from a USB flash drive. Another consequence of portability is that system registries are not a dependency, thus not having an impact on the target PC’s health status.
With the main window up, you can start looking for the documents you want to practice on. However, you need to do this through the application’s built-in browse dialog, because dragging them over the main window has no effect. What’s more, using the open command only works for already saved project files.