
pagal | 2014 08 31

UnityPDF screenshot 1 - UnityPDF enables you to create a list of PDF files by dragging and dropping them in the main window

„UnityPDF“ – tai PDF dokumentų tvarkymo įrankis, kuriuo galėsite įterpti lapą, išskaidyti ar sujungti kelis dokumentus į vieną, juos apsaugoti ar apversti.


An easy-to-use and simple software utility that enables you to manipulate your PDF files by merging, protecting or splitting them

UnityPDF is a lightweight and straight-forward software solution designed to provide you with an easy means of working with your PDF files however you might need, without too much effort.

Following an uneventful installation process, you can launch the program and begin working with it with right away, as it requires no additional knowledge in handling PDFs.

The plain interface makes it very approachable even by the least experienced, while the various available actions can be easily accessed from its menus.

After adding the files that you want to handle, you can select which operation you wish to perform from the ‘Actions’ menu, so you can either merge two or more PDFs, split files with multiple pages, divide them by a specified number of parts or using an approximate maximum size.

Atsisiųsti ( 2.1 MB / Windows OS )


UnityPDF screenshot 2 - By accessing the Manage list menu, you can reorder PDF files by moving them up or down the list

UnityPDF screenshot 3 - From the Actions menu, you can merge, split or protect PDF files, as well as extract, insert and rotate pages

UnityPDF screenshot 4 - The Multi-parts options window allows you to split your PDF file into a certain number of parts

UnityPDF screenshot 6

UnityPDF screenshot 7

UnityPDF screenshot 8

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Reitingas: 10.0/10 (1 balsas)
UnityPDF, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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