Roselt Text Reader 1.3.0

pagal | 2017 10 03

„Roselt Text Reader“- minimalistinė programa, kuri pasakys/perskaitys balsu Jūsų parašytą ar nukopijuotą tekstą. Tai pravers negalią turintiems žmonėms ar norintiems įgarsinti tekstinę knygą.


PC-Talk-Text-to-Speech_3Convert your texts into audio streams in just a couple of seconds with the help of this lightweight and seamlessly easy to use application

Converting text into speech can have a wide range of uses, especially for visually impaired people. Roselt Text Readeris a lightweight piece of software that can help you transform plain texts into sound streams in just a couple of seconds.

Handy tool for text to speech conversion

The application provides you with simple means of transforming plain text into audio streams. This process has a wide range of practical uses, ranging from educational to medical ones. For instance, you can convert your favorite books to audio files, which you can later record and transfer to an MP3 player or other similar devices, then listen to them while you are performing your everyday tasks.

Additionally, this is a great way for blind or visually impaired people to listen to text without having to try to read it. By quickly turning text into an audio stream, they are able to receive the information without any effort.

Straightforward text to speech generator with adjustable options

Roselt Text Reader can be adjusted to “speak” the text according to your preferences. For example, you can easily adjust the volume so that it is not too loud or quiet. In addition, you can change the reading speed.

This can help you generate audio streams according to your needs, as the words are played as slowly or as quickly as you choose. Speed adjustment can be used as an educational tool, especially when it comes to the pronunciation of sophisticated or long words.

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