Quick Scan

pagal | 2016 04 23

„Quick Scan“- nedidelė programėle, kurios pagalba galėsite greitai nuskenuoti dokumentą pagal pasirinktus parametrus. Prieš skenavimą galėsite pasirinkti skenavimo kokybę, išsaugomo failo pavadinimą ir tipą, lapo dydį bei režimą (skenavimas spalvotai, pilki pustoniai, juoda/balta).


A scanner utility that enables you to quickly scan documents and manually set the DPI level, preferred file format and JPEG file compression

Scanning documents is a time consuming task that usually has to be closely monitored to ensure proper output quality.Quick Scan, as the name implies, aims to speed up the scan process and increase your productivity by scanning more documents in a shorter period of time.

Change the desired DPI level and choose a filename

DPI stands for dots per inch and it is responsible for the quality of the output image. A better DPI level means better looking pictures with more visible details. Quick Scan enables you to set a level between 75 and 600 dots per inch, depending on the nature of the document you are scanning and the resolution you require for your purposes.

Once you are satisfied with the quality level, you can start the scan process and save the image file on your computer. The application allows you to choose a filename for every processed document and select between JPG25, JPG75 and BMP output formats. The format is also relative to the purpose of your file, since every option comes with certain advantages and disadvantages.

Atsisiųsti ( 1.1 MB/ Windows OS )

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