PDFdu Free Image to PDF 1.9

pagal | 2016 08 04

„PDFdu Free Image to PDF“- tai kaip jau galite spręsti iš programos pavadinimo, šiuo įrankiu galėsite nuotraukas/paveikslėlius BMP/JPEG/PNG/TIF/DIB formato konvertuoti į PDF. Vienu metu galėsite konvertuoti daugiau nei vieną failą. Prieš konvertuojant dokumentui galėsite uždėti vandens ženklą bei apsaugoti PDF nuo redagavimo, spausdinimo, kopijavimu ar slaptažodžiu.


Lightweight, intuitive and user-friendly application that allows you to convert common image formats, such as BMP, JPEG and PNG, to PDF

PDFdu Free Image to PDF is a software application whose purpose is to aid individuals in transforming your photographs to a PDF format, insert watermarks and encrypt it.

Surprise-free setup and clear-cut environment

You are required to go through a hassle-free and quick installation process, and once you finalize it, you are greeted by a plain interface. It includes only a few buttons and a pane to view all uploaded items. Both power and novice users can learn how to work with it, without facing any kind of difficulties.

Formats you can process

Support is offered for pictures with extensions such as JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, BMP and DIB. It is possible to upload multiple files at a time or even entire folders, with the help of the built-in file browser and the “drag and drop” feature.

You can change the output directory and display its contents using the Windows File Explorer when the conversion process is complete.

Insert text watermarks and create restrictions

From the settings panel it is possible to choose if you should merge all images to a PDF file or just convert one item. Furthermore, you can change the page size, insert a text watermark with custom font type, style, size, angle, opacity and color.

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