Number Convertor

pagal | 2014 06 03

Number Convertor screenshot 1 - Using the main window of Number Convertor, you can enter the English number you want to convert.

„Number Convertor“ – tai maža programėlė, su kuria galėsite išversti skaitmenis į japonų, kinų, korėjiečių ar arabų kalbą.


Translates any number from English to Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic, enabling you to learn how to count in any of these languages

Number Convertor comes in handy to translators, students and anyone who needs a simple solution for translating numbers from English to Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Arabic.

With just a click, you can decrease or increase the entered number or change the font size, which will help you quickly learn how to count in any of the above mentioned languages.

Atsisiųsti ( 121 KB / Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8 64 bit )

Number Convertor screenshot 2 - The View menu of Number Convertor allows you to change the render mode and the tab display method.


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