Notepad++ 5.9.8

pagal | 2012 01 02

Nemokamas ir turbūt geriausias tekstų redaktorius po „Microsoft Word“. Jis taip pat pakeis kompiuteryje jau pabodusią ir be jokių funkcijų naudojamą „Notepad“ programą. Pagrindinės savybės Notepad++ :

  • Daugybės programavimo kalbų palaikimas (C, C++, Java, XML, HTML, PHP, Java Script, ASCII, VB/VBS, SQL, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, TCL, Assembler)
  • Teksto paryškinimas ir blokų sulankstymo galymybė pagal programavimo kalbos sintaksę.
  • Automatiškas užbaigimas įvedamo žodžio.
  • Vienu metu galima žiūrėti kelis dokumentus, jie atveriami skirtingose kortelėse.
  • WYSIWYG (spausdini ir gauni tai, ką matai ekrane).
  • Teksto paieška pagal pasirinktus kriterijus bei jo pakeitimas.
  • Automatinis failo statuso nustatymas.
  • Yra lietuvių kalba.


A source code editor for the programmer and a better text editor

Notepad is one of the most popular applications ever, not because it’s a very advanced tool, but thanks to the fact that it’s part of the Windows operating system.

Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding:
· Supported languages : C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC resource file, makefile, ASCII art file (extension .nfo, doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS source files, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python and Lua.

· If you have a colour printer, print your source code (or whatever you want) in colour.

Style Configurator:
· For each style in every supported language, user can change the background/foreground colour, the font, font size and font style ( bold or Italic ) via the Style Configurator Dialog.

User Define Syntax Highlighting:
· It allows user to define his own language : not only the syntax highlighting keywords, but also the syntax folding keywords, comment keywords and the operators.

· You can edit several documents at the same time.

· You have two views at same time. That means you can visualize (edit) 2 different documents at the same time. You can visualize (edit) in the 2 views one document at 2 different positions as well. The modification of document in one view will carry out in another view (i.e. you modify the SAME document when you are in clone mode).

Regular Expression Search supported:
· You can search one string in the document by using the regular expression.

Full Drag ‘N’ Drop supported:
· You can open a document by drag & drop. You can also move your document from a position (or even a view) to another by drag & drop.

Dynamic position of Views:
· The user can set the position of the views dynamically (only in 2 views mode : the splitter can be set in horizontal or in vertical).

File Status Auto-detection:
· If you modify or delete a file which opened in Notepad++, you will be notified to update your document (reload the file or remove the file).

Zoom in and zoom out:
· That’s another fantastic function of Scintilla component.

Multi-Language environment supported:
· The Chinese, Japanese and Korean Windows environments are supported.

· User can just click on the bookmark margin (located right side of line number margin) or type Ctrl+F2 to toggle a book mark. To reach the bookmark, type just F2 (Next bookmark) or Shift+F2 (Previous bookmark). To clear all bookmarks, click the Menu Search->Clear All bookmarks.

Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting:
· When the caret stay beside of one of those symbol { } [ ] ( ) , the symbol beside of caret and its symmetric opposite symbol will be highlighted, as well as the indent guideline (if any) in order to locate the bloc more easily.


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