nSpaces 1.2

pagal | 2011 12 06

Ši nemokama programa padės jums dirbti keliose vietose (darbalaukiuose) tuo pačiu metu. Programos principas paprastas – nSpraces padalina jūsų ekraną į keturias dalis. Vienoje galite dirbti savo darbus, kitoje paleisti muzikos grotuvą, o dar kitoje kartas nuo karto pasitikrinti savo elektroninio pašto dėžutę.

DĖMESIO! Šiai programai reikia .NET Framework 3.5 programos.


Multi Desktops are always at your hand

nSpaces is a handy and reliable utility designed to enable you to switch between multiple desktops.

Sometimes you may have many applications such as mail client, editor and Web browser running on one desktop, and you don’t want to mess them up. But things go contrary to your wishes.

Fortunately, with nSpaces you may have separate workspaces (we call them virtual desktops) for different applications, each workspace (desktop) has different applications for graphic design, checking mails and writing reports.

Here are some key features of „nSpaces“:

· Launch Desktops: Create multi desktops on your computer.
· Launch Apps: Open different applications on each separate virtual desktops to improve your productivity.
· Name your space: label your tag for each virtual desktop, the tag is shown on the space switcher.
· Change wallpaper: Your desktop is unique, Set a custom desktop image for each of your desktops and watch as the pictures fade into each other when switching between your desktops.
· Color your space: If you don’t like to set a custom image for each desktop, just set a background color for them.
· Protect your space: If you don’t like anonymous users to use your spaces, just set a password for them.
· Hotkeys for everything: nSpaces has a group of hotkeys for each desktop you created, hotkey for the space switcher.You can change whatever you want.


· Internet Connection
· .NET Framework 3.5 or later

What’s New in This Release:

· Fixes the bug lost settings when updated
· Fixes some bugs.

Atsisiųsti ( 742 KB / Windows OS )

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nSpaces 1.2, 6.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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