
pagal | 2013 11 18

HDDExpert screenshot 1 - The main window of HDDExpert displays a wide range of details about your hard disk, such as temperature or model number

„HDDExpert“ pateiks visą informaciją apie Jūsų kompiuteryje esančiojo kietojo disko būklę ir greitį.


A user-friendly software solution that helps users interpret the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of their hard-disks and analyze their health level

HDDExpert comes in handy to both beginners and novices, as it provides them with an intuitive interface where numerous HDD details are presented.

Due to HDDExpert, you users can evaluate the health status of their hard

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HDDExpert screenshot 2 - You can access the dedicated menu when you want to manually refresh the information displayed by HDDExpert

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